Foshan Midea Egret Lake Forest Resort

Themed on “ Insert Carnival”, position  as  a  family recreation area for parent and children, in order to comply with the themes of “forest” and “insect”, the recreation area was designed into a colorful paradise in the forest for insect babies to grow up healthily - Rainbow Valley Adventure Park. The brilliant colors here will allow the children to immerse in the cozy environment and grow up happily. 


  • OCT East

  • Wuxiang the Eighth Toute Army Experience Garden

  • Guiyang Yunman Lake International tourism resort

  • Indoor Culture Theme

  • Indoor Snow Theme

  • Outdoor Forest Theme

  • Outdoor Chapter/ Theme of Countryside

  • Outdoor Chapter/ Theme of Adorable Pet  

  • Outdoor Insect Theme

  • Indoor Science and Technology Theme

  • Outdoor Ocean Theme

  • Outdoor Chapter/ Theme of War

  • Kunming Fruit-Man Theme World

  • Huayi Brothers training Camp

  • Wuhan Happy Valley Biscuit Sheriff Static Amusement Park Climbing Equipment

  • Fuzhou Gui'an Flower-Sea Team Building Playground

  • Sanya Yalong Bay tropical Paradise Forest Park

Yong Lixing Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

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